Channel Your Chill

An 8-week Small Group Program to take you from Jaded to Refreshed

Channel Your Chill is a small-group program to help you get back to feeling in control.


The content is rooted in psychological wisdom, with practical activities and concepts coming from Positive Psychology and the research on Well-Being. That, and a giant doses of Kate’s enthusiasm, energy and support!

It’s a program designed for the everyday modern woman who doesn’t aspire to be a Yogi Meditating Guru, but simply wants some super accessible and easy to apply ideas to help her manage her daily pressures. It will take you through a process of getting back on your front foot and regaining a sense of calm.


Live Workshops + Group Coaching Calls

4 x Live Workshops and an additional 4 x Group Coaching Calls will be delivered on Wednesday evenings starting May 16th 2018 and finishing June 27th. The entire program will consist of 8 x 1-hour calls. All participants will video-call in, or watch via Facebook Live to receive an authentic small group experience.

Facebook Community

A closed & private facebook group will be created for participants. This is where you can connect with like-minded people, share wins and directly connect with Kate outside of the workshops and calls.

Online Hub

All resources will be online in a private Resource Hub for you to download and watch on-demand. You will have lifetime access to the program and be able to revisit it whenever you login.


Workbooks & Exercises

Each workshop will be accompanied by detailed workbooks, slides and exercises so that you can really apply the lessons. These printable workbooks will include Planning Guides, Mindset Activities, Resource Lists and so much more.

This Group Program Is For You If …

You’re tired of feeling sick and tired

You feel time-poor and like you have way too many things you’re trying to juggle

Personal-Growth makes you smile, and you’re always looking for ways to broaden your knowledge

You know you should be taking better care of yourself better, but it all sounds like too much effort

-You’re feeling like balance is an elusive idea, that might actually be total crap

-You know you’re in dire need of some Self-Care and are ready to invest in your Well-Being

-You feel a bit like you’re on a runaway train and are not sure where the brake is

-You’d like to be proactive about how you can manage your pressures before they start managing you

You’re ready to invest in you! (and maybe you listen to Kate’s practical approach on the Here to Thrive podcast and it totally resonates! xx)

Module 1



We’ll start by calling a time on your busy life, and stepping back for a second to get-a-grip of exactly what is going on.

This workshop is designed to deepen your self-awareness, help you gain insight to your situation, and give you an understanding that helps put you in the driver’s seat. This is the vital insight that will help you feel back in control of your life, rather than having life happening to you. It will cover:


The Well-Being Equation, and how you can create your own

An introduction to the Zone of Tolerance and insight into when you are functioning close to your limits

An understanding of your daily Energy Drains and where all your precious time is being spent

How you manage your pressure, and identifying your Adaptive and Maladaptive Coping strategies


Workshop Held Live:  Wednesday 16th May 2018 @ 8.00pm CST (9.00pm ET, 6.00pm PT)

A recording will be available and posted on the Online Hub for your future reference. 

Module 2



Here we’re diving deep into what makes you feel sparky on the inside.

This workshop is designed to help you recognize and foster positive resources that will help fill up your well. Nobody’s needs are the same, so this module will take you through an individualized approach to tipping the well-being scales in your favor, while also introducing you to more general skills and tools. It will cover:


What Simple Self-Care looks like, and why it is so good for our Well-Being

The An introduction to the concept of Play as an Adult, and the massive benefits it has on our feeling of happiness

The 3-phases of Savoring and simple tips to help you apply them in your life

How to make Connection a part of your daily routines


Workshop Held Live:  Wednesday 30th May 2018 @ 8.00pm CST (9.00pm ET, 6.00pm PT)

A recording will be available and posted on the Online Hub for your future reference. 

Module 3



It’s not simply what you do, it’s how you think. Mindset is one of your biggest allies when it comes to channeling your chill.

This module will encourage you to step back and check your mindset. It will highlight concepts and ideas that will help you choose a mindset for success. We’ll also dive into one of the core components of Emotional Intelligence – emotional literacy – and help you deepen your ability to process and understand your emotional experiences.


The bullet point version:  

The difference between a Growth and Threat Mindset, and how you can foster the former

Storytelling, and the Importance of Interpretation in how we experience our pressure

Honing Your Emotional Intelligence and naming your feelings to tame them


Workshop Held Live:  Wednesday 13th June 2018 @ 8.00pm CST (9.00pm ET, 6.00pm PT)

A recording will be available and posted on the Online Hub for your future reference. 

Module 4



You have to set yourself up for success.  This module will cover actionable skills, tips, and tricks to help you stay calm and composed moving forward so that you can make CHILL you constant companion. 

This module is designed to help you cement your new skills knowledge, and make Channeling Your Chill an easy part of your daily routine. With a smorgasbord of suggestions, you can pick what works for you. Cultivating your well-being shouldn’t feel like another burden on your to-do list, and these skills and ideas will be focused on making it easy, light and joyful.


Some of the ideas covered:

The power of the Mini-Moment

Rocking Routines that feel fun, rather than restrictive

Nightly Rituals and the power of setting yourself up for success the day before

Practical Gratitude and how living a grounded life fosters joy


Workshop Held Live:  Wednesday 27th June 2018 @ 8.00pm CST (9.00pm ET, 6.00pm PT)

A recording will be available and posted on the Online Hub for your future reference. 

Bonus Module


A lack of Self-Love is one of the main barriers that keeps us from supporting our own Well-Being. Special guest Coach, Elyse Santilli, will talk through simple ways you can focus on loving yourself. 

This pre-recorded workshop and associated resources will be available in the Hub:

 Wednesday 27th June 2018

Ready to Enroll?!

1-Off Payment of


2x Monthly Payments


Previous Clients Said

Don’t just take it from me, let some previous clients do the talking!

“Kate’s group program was immensely meaningful for me. I gained a stronger sense of peace and grace with myself, and feel more self-compassion and excitement about my passions and my skills. Kate is very skilled at making complex information accessible in a way that is engaging and exciting. She is generous, patient and makes it fun. If you’re considering her programs I would say go for it! She will help you make practical changes that really benefit you. You’ll also learn to love your fellow group members and the Facebook group creates an awesome sense of community!”


“I jumped at the chance to do a private workshop series with Kate. I hoped to learn more about myself and get to the “core” of who I really am. I was a bit stuck on how to move forward. Having completed the group program I feel centered and have more self-compassion. I feel more confident about my choices and where I am today. If you’re considering one of her programs you should definitely do it! You will gain so very much. Kate is warm, funny, insightful, patient, supportive, kind, compassionate, empathetic and REAL! I love her love of life and passion to better herself and others. Kate is the best coach. She ROCKS!”


“I discovered Kate through Facebook and then started listening to her podcast. Having completed her group program, I feel like I am more free. I am ok with who I am and even celebrate my intricacies. Kate is incredibly knowledgeable, but humble. She gives you space to discover who you are and what you want, and is like a guide helping you to find your inner light. She’s always positive and honest, and her accent is amazing!”


You can read more testimonials about Kate and her work here:

1-Off Payment of


2x Monthly Payments


Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I can't make all or some of the workshops?

The workshops will be hosted using Zoom video-conferencing software. The Friday after each Live Workshop the recording will uploaded to the Online Program Hub where it will remain available. I would encourage you though to please show up in person whenever you can. The beauty of these workshops is the ability to interact and ask any questions you have live.

In addition to the live workshops, you will also have access to Kate for the Group Coaching calls every other week. She will also have a Q&A session every other week in the exclusive facebook group. Workbooks with self-explanatory exercises (that could be used independently from the Workshops) will also be available for each module.

What is your refund policy?

We offer a no-questions-asked refund to all clients within a week of the first module going live. If you are not satisfied with the module then simply send an email and your purchase will be fully refunded right away. I stand behind the quality of my offerings and my goal is to have fully satisfied clients. If you have any frustrations or problems, please reach out to me immediately.

Do I need special software for the Live Workshops?

The workshops will be delivered via Zoom video-conferencing software and stream simultaneously on Facebook Live in the private group. A link will be sent out to all participants before the workshop and call details can be accessed inside alongside the module information in your program Hub. You can also dial in via phone, with local numbers available for all countries.

The basic Zoom software will automatically download the first time you use a link from your computer. Video-conferencing from a computer will allow us all to see each other in a virtual classroom-type setting. It will also allow us to text chat live as a group, so I would encourage you to join via a computer where you can. For the group coaching calls, the Zoom platform will allow us all to talk as if we are sitting in a room together.

How do the Module Workshops differ from the Group Coaching Calls?

The Module Workshops will be delivered by Kate in a lecture style format. She will take you through the information outlined in the Slides and Workbooks and bring it to life. The text-chat option in Zoom will be enabled so you can ask Kate questions in real time about the material.

The Group Coaching calls will take an open conversation format. Each participant (in the small group program there will be no more than 12) will share their update, frustrations and progress, and have Kate provide personal coaching insights. These calls will take place every other week on Wednesday evenings at the same time scheduled for the Module Workshops.

How long are the Wednesday evening calls?

Each will be an hour long and run from 8pm – 9pm Central (so 9pm-10pm Eastern, 6pm-7pm Pacific).

Calls will alternate between teaching/material and group coaching.

Don't Be Shy

If you still have questions please feel free to drop me an email. I don’t want any stone left unturned!

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