I believe we each have the power to improve the world. Some people might do grand things, while other gestures will be small; but I believe nothing goes unnoticed.

Each and every small act has an impact on the energy of those around us, and our world. As a result, I think it is our responsibility to continually look for the little things we can do to make the world a better and brighter place.

Here are 4 things that I wholeheartedly believe you can do that will improve the world.



The power of a smile is so underrated. We are social beings, and I believe we have put too much emphasis on what we say and have minimized the importance of the energy we put out into the world. I consider a smile a display of love for the world, and a sweet gesture in acknowledging another human being. A smile from a stranger has the ability to warm our hearts, and a smile from a loved one holds even more power. Seeing a baby respond to the smile from a loved one is perhaps one of the most gorgeous things ever. I feel like a smile is the simplest and easiest way of saying “Namaste” or “the soul in me acknowledges the soul that is also in you.” Yip…I rate a smile that highly! So don’t be shy with yours, share that smile around and brighten up the world.


Practice Kindness

If you have been following my blog for awhile you may know I have two small boys. My eldest is 3 and my youngest 2. Ah ha, it can be busy. So when I am out and about in the world with my munchkins, my hands absolutely feel full. Many a time I will be standing in line somewhere with them both screaming and fighting. Wonderful.

The other day my faith in humanity was restored for a moment. I have been praying, wishing and hoping for the last couple of years that when I was in a moment of struggle, someone would just stand back and say “you go first” and ease my pain by allowing me to speed through my errand a little quicker. But in the 2 years I have been a parent of two, it has never happened – until the other day! A man in the supermarket pulled out of his checkout aisle and said “you go first”. It did not cost him a penny, but it was worth SO much to me. More than I can even put into words.

Kindness truly need not cost you a cent. It can be the small gestures that mean so very much and make someone’s day that much better or easier. Don’t underestimate the power of a simple act of kindness.


Do What You Love

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman.

We each have special talents or gifts, and the world needs us to share them. If painting makes your heart come alive, paint. If playing music brings you great joy, play. Do it for the sake of the activity itself and immerse yourself in the joy of what brings you alive.

For some, what creates joy in you may be a career, and for others, it may be a hobby or a side gig. However it looks, I believe it is our responsibility to brighten the world by sharing our unique gifts and talents.



Recycling is kind of where it starts, but what this point reflects is we can make the world brighter and better by actually giving an f about our dear mother earth. We need to treat our resources and our planet with respect. Once you truly adopt this attitude of respect, it permeates your thinking and eventually affects the way you interact with the world. I do believe our current generation is embracing a greater respect for the planet. More and more things are being made out of recycled components and energy efficiency is becoming increasingly important.

But don’t believe this is just a movement happening somewhere out there. You cannot underestimate the power of your small individual and consistent acts. It is these small yet consistent acts that put pressure on the system to change. So to bring that thinking full circle, as far as I believe you truly can make the world a better place by always recycling.


Go well lovely souls, and share your beautiful energy with the world out there. xx


Hi. I’m Kate Snowise and Thrive.How is my business-baby. I’m a Life & Executive Coach who helps people who want the good stuff out of life, get it. I’m passionate about helping people wake-up and start living on purpose. I have an MSc in Psychology (the happy kind of psychology that concentrates on what is right with you). I offer individual coaching that specifically helps people clarify their thinking, reconnect with their spirits, grow into their potential and re-gain balance.  Click here to learn more.

To download a copy of my free mini-guide – 8 Tips Towards Creating a Thriving Life – click here.