This life is a gift. We don’t have all the answers, but I know for sure that I am grateful for the experience. But how can I – one little person in a pool of billions – demonstrate my gratitude back to the world? What can I give of myself to demonstrate my thanks and make a difference? Here are some things I believe we can all do to make this world a little brighter, and in turn, live a thankful life.

  • Show up.
    Give those you love the precious gift of your undivided time and attention. There is no greater demonstration of respect than your presence. Being truly in the moment with someone allows you to share your soul with them, and more importantly, for them to “feel” you. Demonstrate your thanks every day by truly “being” with others.
  • Love yourself.
    Without fully loving yourself, you will never shine as brightly as you are intended to. Honor creation by truly loving yourself. Believe in yourself, imperfections and all. Prioritize your well-being. Honor your sacred body by taking care of it. Demonstrate thanks by respecting this gift of life.
  • Give back.
    Embrace your human responsibility to share your light with the world – however that looks to you. Follow your calling to volunteer, to sing, paint, write, teach. We are social beings created to share, to love, to care. Listen to your heart and put fear aside. Demonstrate your thanks by sharing your talents with the world.
  • Be humble.
    Embrace the mystery of life. Acknowledge that you don’t have all the answers. Recognize that we’re not supposed to, and work on finding a way to be ok with that. We’re all voyagers on this great journey called life. Demonstrate your thankfulness by acknowledging your limitations as a human, and surrendering to the awe of it all.

Good luck 🙂

Hi I’m Kate, and Thrive.How is my business-baby. I’m a kickass Life & Well-Being Coach who helps people who want the good stuff out of life, get it. Trained as a psychologist (the happy kind who looks for what is right with you) I offer individual coaching and personality assessment to help people clarify their thinking, reconnect with themselves and regain balance.  Click here to learn more.