Nancy Levin is a Master Coach and bestselling author of several books including her latest, Setting Boundaries Will Set You Free. Formerly the Event Director at Hay House for over a decade, Nancy is the creator of Levin Life Coach Academy, and offers in-depth coaching and training programs designed to support clients in making themselves a priority and setting boundaries that stick. 


In this episode we dive deep into the concept of boundaries, including:

  • What a boundary is
  • How to know when you’ve allowed yours to be crossed
  • How we cannot heal, fix, save, rescue others
  • What selfish, self-love and self-care have in common
  • Authenticity in our relationships, and what that looks like
  • The danger of addiction to external validation and approval
  • Undoing do-it-all-doormat syndrome
  • And so much more


You can learn more about Nancy here:


And grab her excellent new book, Setting Boundaries Will Set You Free here: Setting Boundaries Will Set You Free