If only it was a simple as wishing upon a star. Wouldn’t it be nice if whatever we asked for literally landed in our lap?

Many a self-help guru these days seems to purport that it really is all that easy. If you invoke the Law of Attraction and literally wish hard enough, your dreams will come true. And that sounds a lot like wishing on a star to me.

Don’t get me wrong … I absolutely believe we attract what we believe we are worthy of and I also believe our energy matters; hugely. But I believe we need to be a little more savvy about how we go about attracting what we want.

Wishing, visualizing and manifesting isn’t the entire story, and I can’t help but feel many Law of Attraction devotees have got the wrong end of the stick and feel like if they do nothing more than wish, the world will rearrange and fall at their feet.

But humans are creative agents. That word agents is important, because it refers to the fact that we need to take action. We live in a physical world, where action is our currency.

We absolutely have all the power to make our dreams come true, but how we act and what we do is just as vital as how we think about it, and what we energetically believe. If I was putting money on creating something or bringing something wonderful to me, I’d be doing a little more than just wishing upon a star. I’d more likely call on something like Hope Theory which a Psychologist called Snyder put together. I like a bit of structure to explain how we humans achieve the things we do.

In terms of giving you a brief overview (in my language – his is a lot more technical) of what his theory states, he believes that those people who are hopeful (i.e. feel positive about their future goals, dreams etc.) are those that do three things:

  • Dream (create Goals)
  • Plan & Act
  • Believe 

We have to be willing to dream and create big goals.

From there, we must look and investigate multiple ways in which we can achieve such goals and then be daring enough to act on those plans.

Finally, we need to keep motivated by believing we are truly capable of making our dreams come true. 

All three aspects are vital in the pursuit of our dream lives in my opinion. The equation doesn’t flow if you miss any one of these parts out. A bit like a cake with no baking powder … your life just ain’t going to rise.

If you do believe in the Law of Attraction, this theory doesn’t go against it. Something much like the Law of Attraction is absolutely an essential element of “believing”, and you could argue that those who believe wholeheartedly in the Law of Attraction are in fact the very best believers. I wouldn’t disagree.

But the one vital part the Law of Attraction fails to adequately address is that we must be willing to get up and get going. We have to actively pursue what it is we want out of life. 

As Walt Disney said:

“All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”


Don’t misinterpret the Law of Attraction and believe that all good things will come to you if you just sit patiently enough and wait. Believing is absolutely a part of the puzzle, but it doesn’t supersede your need to act. Human experience is all about action, and those people who seem to make all of their dreams come true I’ve noticed, also seem to be pretty good at taking action…so get up and get going. Back yourself, and make a solid plan, and I don’t doubt you’ll be busy moving closer towards your dreams every single day.


Hi. I’m Kate Snowise. I’m a Life & Executive Coach who helps people who want the good stuff out of life, get it. I’m passionate about helping people understand themselves, and what they need out of life to be authentically happy. I have an MSc in Psychology (the positive kind of psychology that concentrates on what is right with you). I offer individual coaching that specifically helps people clarify their thinking, understand themselves, grow into their potential and re-gain balance.  Click here to learn more.

To download a copy of my free mini-guide – 8 Tips Towards Creating a Thriving Life – click here.