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This is an important, enlightening and super useful information. Becca Reed Smith is a Therapist & Mindset coach. She shares with us here her straightforward guidance, and she explains concepts that most of us find challenging, in very real and understandable ways.

We talk about a lot in this podcast, but some of the particulars include:

  • Understanding that Fear is Normal
  • How common it is to not feel good enough at times
  • The importance of stepping out of our Comfort Zones when it comes to Fear + Self-Doubt
  • Imposter Syndrome, and a discussion on the “who am I to …” statement many of us play in our heads
  • How once we feel safe and grounded, our options open up
  • How stress can eventually lead us to feel numb and that is our nervous system simply doing its job and trying to regulate the big emotions
  • Cognitive dissonance – what it is, and how we can use it to our advantage
  • And how our Doubting Dialogue often shows up in the form of “what if” questions and what we can do it quieten it

We also discuss the Window of Tolerance. Here is the descriptive image that Becca refers to in the interview:

To find out more about Becca and her services, head to:

You can also follow her on Instagram, Facebook & Pinterest at: @beccareedsmith

To get the Freebie I mention, 3 Steps to Moving through Doubt, click here:

CHANNEL YOUR CHILL – my group program is LIVE and ready for registration. It launches mid-May 2018. For more information head to:

Want some free resources to help you thrive in life?! Head here!

Hi. I’m Kate Snowise. I’m a Life Coach and host of the Here to Thrive Podcast. I  help people get clear on what they want, need and crave, and then helps them take the steps to move towards that. I believe life is about more than surviving and being good enough. Each of us truly has the ability to thrive and live a beautiful, aligned life where we remember and connect with our authentic selves. I have an MSc in Psychology (the positive kind that concentrates on what is right with you). To read more about my signature coaching program The Thriving Life Project click here