Have you ever noticed that you have a voice in your head that constantly chatters away to you? Like a continual running commentary?

I can clearly remember the first time I cottoned on to the fact that I was listening to my own thoughts all-the-time.

I was 23 years old. I was talking to my Mum about my teenage niece who had recently been admitted for psychiatric assessment. We were incredibly worried about her well-being. My mum updated that the psychologist evaluating her had concluded that the voice inside her head was just the same voice everyone had chatting away to them – her own voice. She wasn’t suffering from a mental illness in which she was “hearing voices”.

I can remember being floored when I got off the phone. I sat there and for the first time listened to my thoughts. I recognized that there was a voice in my head too! “My” voice.

What was perhaps even more soul-shaking for me was that I was well into my studies in Psychology. I was even topping my class on assessments in Abnormal Psychology where we discussed illnesses that caused people to hear voices, and I still hadn’t ever stopped to think about the voice I had running through MY OWN HEAD. The normal one that we all have.

You’ll have this voice too. It is part of the human condition. Chit chatter chit chatting away to us all the f-ing time!

A couple of years later I went on to read Eckhart Tolle’s book A New Earth. It was the next step in cracking me open about this voice in my head stuff. He took my thoughts a step further and said:


You are not the voice in your head; you are the one listening or observing it.


Woah, hold on. If I am not the voice in my head if that is not me, then who the hell am I?!

It is this idea that I believe is crucial in us connecting with our soul-selves. With our essence and our power.

When you dis-identify with the constant chatter in your head, you immediately begin to connect with your soul.

When you know that you are more than the superficial level and that you even have the ability to watch your thoughts, you recognize the eternal part of yourself.

And there is a great peacefulness in that.

So just for today, think about that voice in your head, and entertain the thought that the voice is not you, the real you is the thinker.


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Hi. I’m Kate Snowise. I’m a Life Coach and host of the Here to Thrive Podcast. I  help people get clear on what they want, need and crave, and then helps them take the steps to move towards that. 

I believe life is about more than surviving and being good enough. Each of us truly has the ability to thrive and live a beautiful, aligned life where we remember and connect with our authentic selves. I have an MSc in Psychology (the positive kind that concentrates on what is right with you). To read more about my signature coaching program The Thriving Life Project click here