Ruby Warrington is a British Writer & Thought Leader who resides in Brooklyn, New York. In 2012 she launched a spiritual lifestyle platform for the New Age life called – The Numinous. She is also the co-creator of the event series Club Soda NYC and has a spiritual coaching program called Moon Club.

  Ruby is the bestselling author of the book, Material Girl, Mystical World and her second book Sober Curious has just been released. To grab your copy of Sober Curious, head here:   I wanted to talk to Ruby as I think in the Health & Wellness space, there is an increasing interest in being more mindful about the way we approach our lives, and I wanted to know how that extended to alcohol. You’ll hear in this interview that my best friend stopped drinking in 2018 and that brought the question about my own relationship with alcohol to the forefront too. 

Ruby starts with a really simple but HUGELY powerful question – “would my life be better without alcohol?” and discusses how that made her get curious. 

  • Today we’re talking about how you can explore that question for yourself, and what that might mean. Our discussion includes:
  • How being sober curious is all about questioning
  • How most drinkers are drinking by default or habitual drinking, rather than consciously drinking
  • How alcohol contributes to anxiety, exhaustion, disturbed sleep, and more
  • That perhaps life isn’t supposed to be comfortable, and what that means
  • The 5 different kinds of problem drinkers and how the black/white idea of problem drinking may be outdated
  • How you can actually survive parties being sober
  • Healthier ways we can escape and revive from the daily grind of life

To find out more about Ruby, head to: or

To keep up with the Club SODA NYC events, head here:

The TIME article with the 5 Different Categories of Problem Drinking:


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Hi. I’m Kate Snowise. I’m a Life & Career Coach and host of the Here to Thrive Podcast. I help people get clear on what they want, need and crave, and then help them take the steps to move towards that. I believe life is about more than surviving and being good enough. Each of us truly has the ability to thrive and live a beautiful, aligned life where we remember and connect with our authentic selves. I have an MSc in Psychology (the positive kind that concentrates on what is right with you). To read more about my signature coaching program The Thriving Life Project click here