For whatever reason, sometimes we just avoid the things we know we have to get done. But procrastinating really doesn’t do us any favors. It inevitably leads to increased feels of stress as we recognize that the task list is becoming more and more urgent.

So how can we overcome the desire to postpone it till later? Here are three steps I take when I feel a bout of procrastinating coming on:


  • Set time

I set aside some time aside to address the task that I have been putting off. One of my favorite procrastination excuses is “I don’t have the time”, so my comeback is now “make the time”. Once I recognize that I’m starting to get into a procrastination cycle, I clear a space in my diary to work on the task. By setting aside some dedicated time, you give yourself the space to actually deal with the situation. If you’re trying to slip a task in here or there, it always going to be easy to push it to one side. Give the task the time it deserves.


  • Plan

Before launching into a new task, I always like to plan. And I promise, planning isn’t in my nature! This is something that I consciously have to do. It might be as simple as procrastinating paying the bills or as big as putting off writing your latest assignment. Regardless, approach the task systematically. If it is an assignment you’re pushing to one side, write out a quick plan of what the main headings may look like. If you are dragging your feet on paying the bills, write down a quick note of steps you need to take (transfer money, write checks etc.), or individual bills that need to be paid.

The benefit of planning upfront is twofold. It:

  1. Provides a map of where you are going which reduces the sense of overwhelm that can overcome us when we feel like a task is too big;
  2. It gives you points that you can tick off as you are still completing the task. The incremental wins will help keep you motivated and provide you with a sense of progress as you are working your way through a dreary task. You’ll have a visual reminder that you are making progress.


  • Reward

Before you begin the task, decide on a reward you will give yourself after it is finished. Lets be honest, who doesn’t like an incentive?! It may be as simple as a long hot shower after you’ve paid all the bills, or it could be something grander like treating yourself to a pedicure after you’ve finished your assignment. Obviously, you have to exert some control over yourself here. Once you’ve set your reward, you have to stick to the agreement you made with yourself of doing the task first!


We all have stuff we don’t want to face, or unpleasant things we don’t want to do. But the sense of relief that one experiences after getting these jobs off your mind shouldn’t be overlooked. The piling up of tasks is a significant contributor to our feelings of stress. So be kind to yourself, make a pact to do at least one thing today that you’ve been putting off.


Hi. I’m Kate Snowise, and Thrive.How is my business-baby. I’m a kickass Life & Well-Being Coach who helps people who want the good stuff out of life, get it. I have an MSc in Psychology (the happy kind of psychology that concentrates on what is right with you). I offer individual coaching and personality assessment to help people clarify their thinking, grow into their potential, reconnect with themselves and regain balance.  Click here to learn more.


To download a copy of my free mini-guide – 8 Tips Towards Creating a Thriving Life – click here.